Dear Friends of AHR:
Please know that at AHR, we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. The safety and security of our volunteers is our highest priority. As a result of the coronavirus, COVID19, Atlantic Humanitarian Relief, Inc. is officially suspending the July mission to Jordan. This is unfortunate and a disappointment for all of us, as we know the needs of the displaced and impoverished in Jordan persist.
Our thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this crisis, and we appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front line working to contain COVID-19. And more locally, our families, friends, and neighbors.
Please take measures to protect yourself and others. Practice social distancing , meticulous hand hygiene, disinfect surfaces and stay current with recommendations from the CDC. CDC COVID-19 public safety measures
We will resume full operations as soon as we are cleared by the health authorities around the world and are still accepting donations to support relief. We understand that you will have questions and we will do our best to answer them in a timely manner. Please send your inquiries by email to
Thank you for your continued support during this uncertain time. Now more than ever, the world needs a large dose of Hope. Healing. Humanity.
Wishing you and your families health.
The AHR Board
Dr. Humam Akbik, Chairman
Beth Tammaro, Co Chairman
Beesan Yaish, Secretary
Dr Nadeem Khan
Samir Tammous
Dr. Aiman Rifai
Dr. Mouhammad Jumaa
Dr. Abdalmajid Katranji